But what are the most common reasons pets end up needing medical attention? Data from Nationwide pet insurance reveals the top health issues for dogs and cats, offering insights into what pet owners should watch for.
In 2016, skin allergies were the number one reason dogs visited the vet, while dental disease topped the list for cats. Dr. Cori Gross, a Seattle-area veterinarian, stresses the importance of routine checkups to catch these issues early.
For dogs, itchy skin often leads to excessive scratching, which can worsen the problem and even cause secondary infections. Cats, on the other hand, tend to suffer in silence when it comes to dental issues. Regular dental cleanings can prevent more serious health problems, as bacteria from the teeth can spread to other parts of the body.
Skin allergies, also the ninth most common issue for cats, are closely tied to ear infections, the second most common problem in dogs. Pets with lots of ear hair or those prone to moisture build-up are at higher risk for infections caused by yeast or bacteria.
Preventive care, like regular ear cleaning and grooming, can help reduce this risk. Left untreated, these conditions can cause discomfort and lead to chronic problems.
Hyperthyroidism, a common condition in older cats, ranked fifth on the list for feline health issues. This condition causes cats to lose weight despite eating voraciously.
“If untreated, hyperthyroidism can lead to high blood pressure, heart problems, and even death,” Dr. Gross explains. The good news? It’s treatable with medication or radioactive iodine therapy, and more cat owners are recognizing the signs early.
Dr. Gross was surprised to see more dental claims for cats than dogs, given the importance of dental health for all pets. Regular dental checkups can prevent bacteria from spreading into the bloodstream and causing serious health concerns.
She also noted that arthritis in cats, a common but often unnoticed condition, didn’t make the list. Dogs, however, ranked arthritis fifth due to their more noticeable symptoms like limping or difficulty walking. Cats tend to hide their pain, making it easy for owners to overlook.
Based on claims submitted by Nationwide policyholders, here are the most common medical conditions for pets in 2016:
Top 10 for Dogs:
Allergic dermatitis (skin allergies)
Ear infections
Benign skin growths
Pyoderma (hot spots)
Dental disease
Upset stomach
Intestinal issues (diarrhea)
Urinary tract disease
Anal gland issues
Top 10 for Cats:
Dental disease
Urinary tract disease
Kidney disease
Upset stomach
Intestinal issues (diarrhea)
Inflammatory bowel disease
Allergic dermatitis
Heart disease
Knowing the most common health issues can help you take preventive steps to keep your furry friend healthy. From regular dental cleanings to watching for subtle behavioral changes, staying informed is the key to ensuring your pet lives a long, happy life.