All Pet Health Articles

Pets and Seasonal Allergies

Pets and Seasonal Allergies

As much as we enjoy the changing seasons, pets can find certain times of the year quite uncomfortable due to allergies. Many pet owners are surprised to learn that dogs and cats can suffer from seasonal allergies like humans. Like us, they can react to common environmental allergens like ragweed, grasses, pollen, mold, and trees.

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Old Dog

Common Health Issues in Older Dogs Top 10 Concerns for Dogs Aged 5 to 10 Years

As your dog enters its senior years, starting around age five for some breeds, you may notice a few changes in its behavior or health. Just like humans, dogs can develop certain age-related conditions. Here's a closer look at the top 10 common health issues that older dogs often face, along with an explanation.

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Senior Cat

Common Ailments in Senior Cats

With age comes a few extra health concerns, so regular checkups are very important. For senior cats, veterinarians recommend scheduling checkups every six months. This helps to catch potential health issues early and makes treatment easier and more effective. Think of it like preventive care—keeping small problems from becoming big ones.

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Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes?

Dogs have a knack for wanting to sample whatever humans eat, regardless of what it is. Whether it's a tempting chocolate treat, creamy avocados, or a mouthwatering steak, your furry friend might express interest in virtually anything on your plate. However, just because they're eager doesn't mean it's safe for them.

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Can Cats Eat Eggs?

Eggs might not be the first food that comes to mind when you think about feline favorites. However, considering their nutritional value for humans, you might wonder if they suit our furry friends.

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Can Cats Eat Cheese?

If you've ever observed your cat curiously sniffing around your cheese platter or attempting to sneak a nibble of your cheese sandwich, you're likely aware that cats often find cheese irresistible. However, cheese and other dairy products, such as milk, are not suitable for our feline companions. While giving cats milk or cream to drink was once a common practice, we now understand that it is not a healthy choice.

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